Friday, 8 November 2024


I had my post-op checkup with my doctor day before yesterday.  Everything is pathology was good, my incisions have mostly healed, the bruises are gone. 

So yesterday I fell into a sinkhole (my name for an emotional low).  Everything felt oppressing, I was tired, scared, raw and vulnerable. I startled easily.

I can't seem to be able to shut off my mind when this happens. I'm always trying to figure out what is wrong, what triggered this etc.,  And the best that I can determine from this ruminating is that I am now beginning to process this latest event, now that it has been officially concluded. 

So while I was in this sinkhole, I practiced self-compassion by soothing myself in healthy ways.   I  really wanted to binge on something but since I've been a homebody for over a month now, all I had was good, healthy leftovers to snarf down (my usual binge foods would have made me very sick... high fat and or high sugar).  I have absolutely no interest in those kinds of foods anymore.  I had a container of penne with a creamy pesto sauce (all plant based).  Perfect comfort food.  I've been measuring out portions for months now (since the first attack), and after the surgery I have been eating about a cup of food at each meal.  So really, it wasn't so much as a binge but me having a yummy bowl of pasta every few hours 😋 

I can't stress enough the importance of high quality leftovers.

I also had a bubble bath, washed my hair and put on my comfiest sweats and  hoodie.  Tapped some coloring pages, read some fan fiction.  Rested.  

Everytime I started to ruminate again, I reminded myself that I had just gone through something stressful, and that I needed time to process and heal.

So love and compassion really do work when you figure out what that means for yourself. 
I feel better today and I'm happy with myself for not being destructive but nurturing instead.  Good Job me!

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